did you know that THE EXTERMINATOR was actually a good guy in the past?
if you don't know that then I will tell you the story of how he became bad...
THE EXTERMINATOR was actually called captain rain. captain rain live on a HUMONGUS raindrop and he had a pet called thunder. thunder usually wonders away but captain rain didn't care. one day thunder wondered off and he found a massive crystal. so he brought it back home. when thunder came back captain cloud was shocked. thunder brought home captain crystal's favourite crystal. captain rain had no idea what to do so he hid inside a raindrop. the next day, captain crystal saw captain rain with the crystal. captain crystal was furious. so he got revenge by making captain rain, a normal human being. now, captain rain wanted revenge so he called himself THE EXTERMINATOR and he wanted to destroy captain crystals and all his crystals. THE EXTERMINATOR also wants to be evil but he wants to fight evil, so he pretended to be good. he also has a friend and he pretends to be THE EXTERMINATOR'S nemesis. the only person who can stop him is captain cloud, but can he destroy THE EXTERMINATOR before he destroys captain crystal? find out tomorrow!
p.s look for the word cloud!