Tuesday, 30 December 2014

captain cloud(part2)

did you know that THE EXTERMINATOR was actually a good guy in the past?
if you don't know that then I will tell you the story of how he became bad...
THE EXTERMINATOR was actually called captain rain. captain rain live on a HUMONGUS raindrop and he had a pet called thunder. thunder usually wonders away but captain rain didn't care. one day thunder wondered off and he found a massive crystal. so he brought it back home. when thunder came back captain cloud was shocked. thunder brought home captain crystal's favourite crystal. captain rain had no idea what to do so he hid inside a raindrop. the next day, captain crystal saw  captain rain with the crystal. captain crystal was furious. so he got revenge by making captain rain, a normal human being. now, captain rain wanted revenge so he called himself THE EXTERMINATOR and he wanted to destroy captain crystals and all his crystals. THE EXTERMINATOR also wants to be evil but he wants to fight evil, so he pretended to be good. he also has a friend and he pretends to be THE EXTERMINATOR'S nemesis. the only person who can stop him is captain cloud, but can he destroy THE EXTERMINATOR before he destroys captain crystal? find out tomorrow!
p.s look for the word cloud!

the long snake

The snake was so long it reached 2 kilometers on each side of the Great Wall of China. The snake was so hungry it actually swallowed the Great Wall of China! Now he is as long as the Great Wall of China! He slept. That night soldiers from another country invaded china so all the children including babies had to hide. We hid in the snake and what we saw was the Great Wall of China. We tried pulling it out, pushing it out and bot pulling and pushing it out but it was so heavy. We tried and tried and tried and we got tired so we slept.

In the morning the snake had already devoured the Great Wall of China. We had nothing to do so I sent some of the bravest children to try and see where the Great Wall of China is. We waited for a few hours but they never came back so I pushed myself to go there. I asked the oldest child I could find to protect the children. He said “that’s fine.” So I set of to find the brave children who sacrificed themselves to find the Great Wall of China.

When I reached the snake’s belly there were chainsaws. Can you believe that! I mean chainsaws, well anyway I ran for it unluckily, a chainsaw was going to cut my head but luckily, another chainsaw hit the chainsaw and it bounced of hitting the floor (snake’s belly). And I ran to the next body part. I ran on stairs and 1 hour later I was still running up some stairs until I came to a room with letters on the floor. I saw a few holes. Then I heard a speaker saying “spell antidisestablishmentarianism.” I’m no good at spelling so I cheated by looking up in the dictionary in my phone. I spelled it out loud…. A N T I D I S E S T A B L I S H M E N T A R I A N I S M. The speaker said “good so now you have to spell it on the floor”…; I came to a different room where I saw the Great Wall of China. Then this claw came and took it out where it belonged and when the other country saw it, they ran away like there was an alien invasion. That night we celebrated!

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

captain cloud (part1(based on my 2013 writing book))

Long ago there lived a boy called captain cloud. he lived on a cloud because he was captain cloud. one day captain cloud was laying down on his cloud with his pet called captain pet. captain cloud and his pet had nothing to do so they decided to go on an adventure. so they set of to go on an adventure. they tried to find a quest but all they found was a hero called THE EXTERMINATOR. captain cloud saw THE EXTERMINATOR battling a villain and THE EXTERMINATOR won the battle. everyone cheered and gave THE EXTERMINATOR presents and then THE EXTERMINATOR LEFT. captain cloud was jealous of the THE EXTERMINATOR. suddenly, a great idea went into captain cloud's mind! captain cloud decided to spy on the THE EXTERMINATOR and he did. he saw THE EXTERMINATOR with the same villain he fought laughing and he heard them say " we are boss at pretending."  that night, captain cloud couldn't sleep. his brain kept on repeating those wards THE EXTERMINATOR said. is THE EXTERMINATOR really a hero?

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Creeper drawing

Hello everybody and welcome back to another post! Today I'm going to talk about my creeper drawing. I drew this creeper because I was bored and I did not know what to do, so, I decided to draw something random and so I drew a creeper. I drew it last night and my dad told me how to make it
Better and here are the results...

It's not that bad..

I wonder what I'll draw next but anyway..
Thanks for reading this and I will see you all in the next post.


Monday, 22 December 2014

The holidays

Hello everybody and welcome t my blog. You should know what I will be talking about but if you don't, I'm talking about the holidays! I have a holiday time table  so it's pretty much like a usual day for me but I got to make the time table so that means I have a lot of time where I get to do anything.
This year was the best year ever! I will miss everyone because I will be going back to indonesian on February the 28 so yeah. Plus I will be going to the movies this holiday and there's so much movies to choose. Here are my top three..



and3. Exodus gods and kings

Please comment below of what you would like me to watch!

That's all I would like to say and I will see you all in the next post.


Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Last day of school

Hello everybody and welcome back! It's been a very long time since I wrote my posta so now I will write something else.
It's 2 more days until the last day of school.
I will be happy and sad and I will miss everyone ( in my class ).
It has been a great time this year. I met loads of students who became my friends and I just wanted to say.... 3/4R, if one of you guys are reading this I just want to say, I will never ever forget you. You have been a great classmate.
That's all I want to say.
Anyway                                     '      '
Have a great time with your family this Christmas and I will see you guys in the next post.
