Wednesday, 18 March 2015


Today I'm gonna do a summary of Annie.
I know it's been out for a while but I just wacthed it 2 days ago.
Annie is an old movie but it has been remade so that it would better than the old one.
Annie was an orphan living with a ( what seems to be ) drunk woman.
She tries to find her parents but she can't.
One day when Annie was walking she saw a dog that was being chased by These teenagers. She chased after the teenagers.
But then she bumped into mr stacks ( he is the president ) and she tripped on the road and there was a car heading strait for her. Luckily mr stacks saved her.
The next day mr stacks invited her for lunch to take photos. They had a disscussion and Annie said if she could live here. And she did.
They had a good time together and one day Annie wanted to adopt a pet dog she looked for the right dog and then she saw the Dogg that was being chased by the teenagers and she picked him.
She called him sandy.
That night mr stacks thought of adopting her
That drunk woman and one of mr stack's assistant had a meeting to get fake parents ;
Mr stacks was upset that Annie was going.
In the car Annie figured out that they weren't her real parents and mr stacks to.
So they chased the car and they got Annie back!

I reccomend this movie for people who like singing and dancing because the movie is a musical.

Well that's all guys see you later

1 comment:

  1. That's a pretty cool synopsis Bimbi ...well done...I coudl follow through your story and imagined the movie scenes from what you have portrayed. I was just wondering what the moral lesson learnt of the movie?
